Results for 'Britta M. Glatzeder'

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  1.  15
    Motive und Hintergründe von Nietzsches Metaphysikkritik.Britta M. Glatzeder - 2003 - Nietzscheforschung 10 (1):115-128.
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    Mindfulness is associated with intrinsic functional connectivity between default mode and salience networks.Anselm Doll, Britta K. Hölzel, Christine C. Boucard, Afra M. Wohlschläger & Christian Sorg - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    M. Buijsen (red.), Onrechtmatig leven? Opstellen naar aanleiding van Baby Kelly.Britta Beers - 2009 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 38 (1):65-71.
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    Provider‐perceived barriers and facilitators for ischaemic heart disease (IHD) guideline adherence.Gail M. Powell-Cope, Stephen Luther, Britta Neugaard, John Vara & Audrey Nelson - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (2):227-239.
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    Neural Correlates of Switching Attentional Focus during Finger Movements: An fMRI Study.Kristin M. Zimmermann, Matthias Bischoff, Britta Lorey, Rudolf Stark, Jörn Munzert & Karen Zentgraf - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    An Increase in Vigorous but Not Moderate Physical Activity Makes People Feel They Have Changed Their Behavior.Hermann Szymczak, Lucas Keller, Luka J. Debbeler, Josianne Kollmann, Nadine C. Lages, Peter M. Gollwitzer, Harald T. Schupp & Britta Renner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Objective: While behavioral recommendations regarding physical activity commonly focus on reaching demanding goals by proposing ‘thresholds’, little attention has been paid to the question of how much of a behavioral change is needed to make people feel that they have changed. The present research investigated this relation between actual and felt behavior change. Design: Using data from two longitudinal community samples, Study 1 and 2 comprised 614 (63 % women) and 398 participants (61 % women) with a mean age of (...)
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    Do We Know What We Enjoy? Accuracy of Forecasted Eating Happiness.Karoline Villinger, Deborah R. Wahl, Laura M. König, Katrin Ziesemer, Simon Butscher, Jens Müller, Harald Reiterer, Harald T. Schupp & Britta Renner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Audience Perceptions of COVID-19 Metaphors: The Role of Source Domain and Country Context.Britta C. Brugman, Ellen Droog, W. Gudrun Reijnierse, Saskia Leymann, Giulia Frezza & Kiki Y. Renardel de Lavalette - 2022 - Metaphor and Symbol 37 (2):101-113.
    Metaphors abound in descriptions of the COVID-19 pandemic: it is described, among other things, as a war, a flood, and a marathon. However, not all metaphors may resonate equally well with members...
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    Sensory features of mental images in the framework of human actions.Britta Krüger, Adam Zabicki, Lars Grosse, Tim Naumann & Jörn Munzert - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 83:102970.
  10. How to Argue about Solar Geoengineering.Britta Clark - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 1 (3):505-520.
    Should high‐income countries engage in solar geoengineering research and possible deployment? On the assumption that the speed of the energy transition will be insufficient to abate catastrophic climate impacts, research into solar geoengineering begins to look like a technically and socially feasible route to mitigate such impacts. But on the assumption that a rapid and relatively just energy transition is still within the realm of political possibility, research into solar geoengineering looks more like an ideological tool designed to divert time (...)
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  11. Neutrality, Nature, and Intergenerational Justice.Britta Clark - 2020 - Environmental Politics 1.
    Suppose the present generation leaves future ones with a world depleted of all the natural resources required for many valuable human pursuits. Has the present generation acted unjustly? According to contemporary theories of liberal egalitarian intragenerational and intergenerational justice, the answer, it appears, is no. The explanation for this verdict lies in the liberal commitment to remaining neutral between different ways of life: many value-laden environ- mental sites and species are not an all-purpose means to any reasonable human end and (...)
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    The body in medical imaging between reality and construction.Britta Schinzel - 2006 - Poiesis and Praxis 4 (3):185-198.
    Medical imaging has provided insight into the living body that were not possible beforehand. With these methods a revolution in medical diagnosis and biomedical research has begun. Problematic aspects on the other hand are arising from the highly constructive properties of image production, which use complicated physical and physiological effects. Images are established via highly complicated combinations of technology and contingently chosen mathematical and algorithmic solutions. In addition, image construction follows properties of the human visual and cognitive system to allow (...)
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    Newington College: Building thinking communities.Britta Jensen, Kate Kennedy White & Michael Parker - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 11 (1):104.
    In the Australian context, all teachers are obliged, in accordance with the national curriculum, to engage students in critical and creative thinking in the classroom. Yet teachers often wonder ‘How do we facilitate the development of (critical and creative) thinking skills in our students?’ In our specific local context, a large-scale community consultation highlighted a need for a thorough, concerted strategic approach in relation to this obligation. In this paper we spell out our response to this need: the establishment of (...)
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    Herbert Schnädelbach: Philosophie in der modernen Kultur. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2000, 283 Seiten.Britta Aagaard - 2000 - SATS 1 (2):184-191.
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    Versprechen der Freiheit. Einige Überlegungen zur Idee der Freiheit als metaphysischer Grund bei Ernst Cassirer.Britta Aagaard - 2001 - SATS 2 (1):119-143.
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    Necromancy, Divine Encounters, and Erotic Magic in Cupid and Psyche.Britta Ager - 2019 - American Journal of Philology 140 (2):317-343.
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    Der Himmel in uns: Reisen durchs Leben: 13 Gespräche.Britta Baas & Bettina Röder (eds.) - 2008 - Oberursel: Publik-Forum.
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    Het einde van de juridische persoon?Britta Beers - 2024 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 53 (1):121-143.
    Het einde van de juridische persoon? Het juridisch persoonsbegrip heeft in de loop der tijd verschillende gedaantes aangenomen. Recentelijk bepleiten verschillende auteurs wegens zorgen over onder meer klimaat, kolonialisme en dierenwelzijn echter niet zozeer een nieuwe gedaanteverwisseling, maar een algehele opheffing van het persoonsbegrip. De beoogde oplossing om de juridische persoon af te schaffen brengt evenwel ernstige problemen met zich. Niet alleen kan men zich afvragen hoe rechtsbescherming en verantwoordelijkheid tot stand kunnen komen in een rechtsorde zonder juridische persoonlijkheid, maar (...)
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    Review: Neuerscheinungen: L'Homme. Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft.Britta L. Behm - 1993 - Die Philosophin 4 (7):76-79.
  20. Van rechtsstaat naar veiligheidsstaat.Britta Böhler - 2006 - Filosofie En Praktijk 27:7-16.
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    Investigating Neural Correlates of Dual-Tasking and Task-Switching: A Meta-Analytic Approach.Worringer Britta, Langner Robert, Koch Iring, Eickhoff Simon, Rottschy Claudia & Binkofski Ferdinand - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  22. Karl-Heinz Ilting: Aufsätze über Hegel. Herausgegeben von Paolo Becchi und Hansgeorg Hoppe. Mit einem Nachwort von Paolo Becchi.Britta Caspers - 2009 - Hegel-Studien 44:253.
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  23. 6. Punishment and Mercy.Britta Caspers - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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    "Schuld" im Kontext der Handlungslehre Hegels.Britta Caspers - 2012 - Hamburg: F. Meiner.
    Die philosophische Rede von der Schuld umgreift ein breites Bedeutungsspektrum, von der Existenz- und Religionsphilosophie bis zur Ästhetik. Hegel bestimmt den Begriff der Schuld jedoch vornehmlich im Zusammenhang seiner Lehre von der Handlung als einem konstitutiven Bestandteil seiner Moralitätskonzeption. Zentraler Gegenstand dieser Untersuchung sind deshalb Hegels Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts; sie bezieht jedoch auch handlungstheoretische Aspekte der Phänomenologie des Geistes, der Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Weltgeschichte sowie der Wissenschaft der Logik ein. Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem von Hegel begründeten (...)
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  25. ""5." The Stone from the Hand is of the Devil" Hegel's Doctrine of Action.Britta Caspers - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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  26. Making Teaching Count.Britta Clark & Gina Schouten - 2024 - In Brynn F. Welch, The art of teaching philosophy: reflective values and concrete practices. London: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 333-341.
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    Picking What Persists: Sociocultural Natural Capital and Intergenerational Justice.Britta Clark - unknown
    Attempts to determine the value and intergenerational importance of environmental goods have a difficult time accounting for the non-basic services that ecosystems provide. Discussions of ‘Critical Natural Capital’ deem some ecological goods ‘non-substitutable’: acting justly towards the future requires their preservation. These characterizations, however, often miss a crucial distinction between the type of non-substitutability exhibited by basic CNC and sociocultural CNC: the former is only technologically and practically non-substitutable while the latter is constructed as such by specific groups regarding token (...)
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  28. Quoting from the past, or dealing with temporality.Britta Duelke - 2008 - In Tyrus Miller, Given world and time: temporalities in context. New York: CEU Press.
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    WOMEN IN A TECHNOLOGICAL WORLD: An Interdisciplinary Core Course at Emmanuel College in Boston.Britta Fischer & Joyce Contrucci - 1990 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 10 (4):191-196.
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    Pierre Joseph Proudhon, socialist, anarkist, federalist.Britta Gröndahl - 1959 - Stockholm,: Frihetliga bokgillet.
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    Anthropologie und Ästhetik: interdisziplinäre Perspektiven.Britta Herrmann (ed.) - 2019 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Die Kategorie des Menschseins wird aufgrund wechselnder Wissensbestände und Orientierungskrisen immer wieder neu bestimmt. Das Ästhetische ist damit eng verbunden. 'Aisthesis' ist erstens eine Form der sinnlichen und empfindenden Wahrnehmung, ein vorrationaler 'way of worldmaking' (Nelson Goodman), der den Bezug des Menschen zu sich und seiner Welt moduliert. Ästhetische Vorstellungen grundieren zweitens aber auch die Idee des Humanen und die Normen menschlicher Handlungs-weisen. Und drittens sind ästhetische Erkenntnis- und Ausdrucksformen Teil eines 'selbstgesponnenen Bedeutungsgewebes' (Clifford Geertz) der Kultur, das die Grenzen (...)
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  32. Narrating Art History: Practices of comparing in exhibitions and written surveys with regard to documenta I.Britta Hochkirchen - 2021 - In Martin Carrier, Rebecca Mertens & Carsten Reinhardt, Narratives and comparisons: adversaries or allies in understanding science? [Bielefeld]: Bielefeld University Press, an imprint of Transcript Verlag.
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  33. Weak power: on the potentials and problems in using bodily vulnerability as a protest strategy.Britta Timm Knudsen & Carsten Stage - forthcoming - Body and Society.
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    A Mass Auto‑therapeutic Experience in the Retina of the TV Audience.Britta Peters - 2011 - Multitudes 5:85-97.
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  35. About the taking place of intercultural philosophy as polylogue.Britta Saal - 2019 - In Peter D. Hershock & Roger T. Ames, Philosophies of Place: An Intercultural Conversation. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
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  36. How to Leave Modernity Behind: The Relationship Between Colonialism and Enlightenment, and the Possibility of Altermodern Decoloniality.Britta Saal - 2013 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 17 (1):49-80.
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    Towards a New Historiography and Conceptual Decolonization.Britta Saal - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 4:85-92.
    Considering two recent trends in the Humanities – the cultural turn and the increase of critical sociohistorical reflections on a global level – in this paper it should be looked at their influences especially on philosophy. One of these influences can be located in the emergence of “intercultural philosophy” since the 1990s which calls for a reorientation of philosophy in general. Regarding mainly one of the favored methods, the polylogue, it is important to take into account the postcolonial perspective, too. (...)
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  38. Die Kunst der Provokation. Adornos philosophischer Optimismus.Britta Scholze - 2004 - In Gerard Delanty, Theodor W. Adorno. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. pp. 46--60.
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    Decomposition of Gödelnumberings into Friedbergnumberings.Britta Schinzel - 1977 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 23 (25-26):393-399.
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  40. Gender and ethically relevant issues of visualizations in the life sciences.Britta Schinzel - 2006 - International Review of Information Ethics 5:09.
    Here moral problems created by the use of constructive imaging technologies within the life sciences are discussed. It specifically deals with the creation of dichotomies, such as gender, race and other differences, created and manifested through the contingent use of scientific and computational models and methods, channelling the production process of scientific results and images. Gender in technology studies has been concerned with destabilizing essentialist and dichotomous co-constructions of gender and technology. In the technological construction process gendered social constructions of (...)
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    On decomposition of gödelnumberings into friedbergnumberings.Britta Schinzel - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (2):267-274.
  42.  25
    Ambiguity and Sentence Position: An Experimental Case Study on Manner Adverbs.Britta Stolterfoht - 2015 - In Susanne Winkler, Ambiguity: Language and Communication. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 171-184.
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  43. Negotiating deviance and normativity : performance art, boundary transgressions and social change.Britta B. Wheeler - 1999 - In Marilyn Corsianos & Kelly Amanda Train, Interrogating social justice: politics, culture, and identity. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
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    On the potentials of interaction breakdowns for HRI.Britta Wrede, Anna-Lisa Vollmer & Sören Krach - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e49.
    How do we switch between “playing along” and treating robots as technical agents? We propose interaction breakdowns to help solve this “social artifact puzzle”: Breaks cause changes from fluid interaction to explicit reasoning and interaction with the raw artifact. These changes are closely linked to understanding the technical architecture and could be used to design better human–robot interaction (HRI).
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    The influence of expertise on brain activation of the action observation network during anticipation of tennis and volleyball serves.Nils Balser, Britta Lorey, Sebastian Pilgramm, Tim Naumann, Stefan Kindermann, Rudolf Stark, Karen Zentgraf, A. Mark Williams & Jörn Munzert - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    An Alternative to Mapping a Word onto a Concept in Language Acquisition: Pragmatic Frames.Katharina J. Rohlfing, Britta Wrede, Anna-Lisa Vollmer & Pierre-Yves Oudeyer - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  47. Personalised Medicine, Individual Choice and the Common Good.Britta van Beers, Sigrid Sterckx & Donna Dickenson (eds.) - 2018 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a volume of twelve essays concerning the fundamental tension in personalised medicine between individual choice and the common good.
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    Change in Brainstem Gray Matter Concentration Following a Mindfulness-Based Intervention is Correlated with Improvement in Psychological Well-Being.Omar Singleton, Britta K. Hölzel, Mark Vangel, Narayan Brach, James Carmody & Sara W. Lazar - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    HIP: A Method for Linguistic Hyperbole Identification in Discourse.Christian Burgers, Britta C. Brugman, Kiki Y. Renardel de Lavalette & Gerard J. Steen - 2016 - Metaphor and Symbol 31 (3):163-178.
    ABSTRACTThis article introduces the Hyperbole Identification Procedure, a first systematic method for identifying linguistic hyperbole in discourse. We start by comparing existing definitions of linguistic hyperbole. Based on the commonalities shared by these definitions, we provide our operational definition of hyperbole as “an expression that is more extreme than justified given its ontological referent.” The next section argues why it is useful to identify hyperbole, as with metaphor in Metaphor Identification Procedure Vrije Universiteit, at the level of lexical units, and (...)
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    Hospital Medical and Nursing Managers’ Perspectives on Health-Related Work Design Interventions. A Qualitative Study.Melanie Genrich, Britta Worringer, Peter Angerer & Andreas Müller - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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